Только сегодня увидела в новостях, что на прошлой неделе умер Джин Вулф.
Прочитанная уже много лет назад, его "Книга Нового Солнца" и сейчас вызывает у меня какую-то инстинктивную почтительную дрожь. Ощущение какого-то странного сосуществования простоты и сложности во всем - стиле, поэтике, выборе героев...
На память - немного о нем:
«Asked by editor Damon Knight to name his biggest influences, he replied: “G. K. Chesterton and Marks’ [Standard] Handbook for [Mechanical] Engineers.”»
«I've met too many of my heroes, and these days I avoid meeting the few I have left, because the easiest way to stop having heroes is to meet them, or worse, have dinner with them. But Gene Wolfe remains a hero to me.»
«It was through his reading of modernist literature, particularly Proust’s In Search of Lost Time, that Wolfe developed what Robinson calls “a characteristic Wolfe style, in which a syntax, sensibility, precision, and analytical power reminiscent of Proust are set on the clones, robots, six-armed monsters, and all the rest of the matter of his beloved pulp tradition.”»
«His books contain all of the nasty genre tropes—space travel, robots, even dragons—and he hasn’t crossed into the mainstream on the strength of a TV or movie adaptation. Wolfe himself sees the trappings of science fiction and fantasy, the spaceships and so on, as simply “a sketchy outline of the things that can be done.” But even within fantasy fandom, Wolfe’s work presents difficulties. His science fiction is neither operatic nor scientifically accurate; his fantasy works are not full of clanging swords and wizardly knowledge. But ask science-fiction or fantasy authors about Gene Wolfe and they are likely to cite him as a giant in their field. Ursula K. Le Guin once called Wolfe “our Melville.”»
Умер Джин Вулф
| понедельник, 22 апреля 2019