Электромагнитный эльф, обитающий в ионосфере земли и других планет.
Ой-ей, вместить какую-то проблему по текстам Кэрролла в 320 слов это надо вывернуться с ног на голову!
Я такую темочку нашарила - рассмотреть структуру текста с точки зрения работы мозга во сне. Только там надо глобально, от хронотопа, образов персонажей и до игры словами и смыслами с привлечением когнитивной лингвистики. И нейробиологии. Там на вскидку очень интересно должно получиться. Я попыталась взять только пространство-время, но размаху не хватает.
Впрочем, я почти уверена, что кто-то где-то уже такое наверное написал. По Алисе же по всему миру пишется сотни статей и монографий. Не может быть, чтобы такой разворот только мне в голову пришел.

А это типа мое корявенькое эссе.

There is a saying: if you have a problem, sleep on it.
The neurobiology says that while dreaming our brain cleans itself from toxins accumulated during the day. They say that in dreams “different future states of consciousness being rehearsed”. (3)

The main act in both books took its place in the dream-world, created by Alice's mind. The structure of the space and time in Alice is organized so that a reader could be taken inside this dream along with the heroine.

The space of dream is ever-changing, often taking grotesque forms. The changes could be abrupt or slow. One place can suddenly “vanished all in a moment ”(2) and become something rather distinct. Between locations the space is hardly described. Details appear only when Alice comes to meet a significant character or to a place of some action and it “doesn’t matter which way you go”. (1) It’s remind how neurons link different parts of the brain to work around some problem.

The time in dream is very still and simultaneously can merge future and past together. It’s impossible to tell how long Alice stayed in the Wonderland or inside the Looking-Glass. The most significant display of the first characteristic is the scene at the mad tea-party where the time stops entirely: “It’s always six o’clock now” (1) there. In the “Looking Glass” time can go in either way: the White Queen said “one’s memory works both ways”. (2)

After dreaming people “performed better on tasks like anagrams and creative problem solving”. (4)
All this contradictory, paradoxes of backward time and vanishing space, all Carroll’s riddles - they force reader’s mind away from familiar patterns of thinking to rehearse anew the perception of their whole worldview. Thus, the mind clears its outlook and can find new meanings in the most ordinary things and more importantly it can learn a new way of solving problems.

(1) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / illustrated by Sir John Tenniel [1865] Kindle ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/carroll/lewis/alice/
(2) Through the Looking Glass [1872] Kindle ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/c/carroll/lewis/looking/
(3) States of Consciousness: Dreams, Literature, and the Neurochemistry of the Brain. Isabel Jaén www.cognitivecircle.org/ct&lit/CogCircleResearc...
(4) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapid_eye_movement_sleep

@темы: мои статьи, теория, Ёжики, записки читателя, Coursera, Литература